Another Idea: Trivia

So I want to have a regualr thing on my bliggityblog. The last thing I tried fell flat–plus the idea was blatantly stolen from my friend Sam.

So what I’m going to try today is an idea that’s a little less stolen (although Connor sort of does something a little similar) except for the fact that I am not the first person to do this. Like, everyone else has done it. It’s called TRIVIA QUESTIONS.

I’m not going to set a number of questions. I’m just going to ask a few that I can think of in the category of COMPLETE WORLD KNOWLEDGE (teehee). Let’s just start out with things that I know that I think you probably don’t.

So, I guess the rules are that sure, you can look on Wikipedia for the answers, but if you do you’re damn boring. Trivia is not an exercise in Wikipedia search skills, it is a test of whether or not you know something.

1. In cannonical Star Trek, what is the highest-lettered Enterprise? J (Andy said E, which is more or less correct. There is one episode of Enterprise where the Enterprise J comes FROM THE FUTURE! to do this or that. But, many people don’t count Enterprise as cannon, so I’ll give Andy the credit on this one.)

2. How many downs in Canadian football? 3 (Kevin)

3. What is Mel Brooks’ real last name? Kaminski (nobody!)

4. How did William Henry Harrison die? Go ahead and tell the story. He refused to put on a hat for his inaugural address, even though it was frickin’ freezing outside. He died 30 days later of pneumonia. (nobody!)

5. Which sock puppet wanted you to buy his LEGLESS DOGS! Precious Roy (Le got close… Sifl and Olly weren’t actually selling the dogs, but it was on their show.  Half credit.)

Five is good for today, I think. If you guys like this I’ll do it again next week!

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5 Responses to “Another Idea: Trivia”

  1. Emily Says:

    I’m sorry, I couldn’t get past the nerdiness of the phrase “cannonical Star Trek” in order to read the rest of the questions.

  2. Kevin Says:

    1. In cannonical Star Trek, what is the highest-lettered Enterprise? A… Rodmanberry realized the whole concept of naming Enterprises was stupid and would only be followed by uber-Nerds, so he gave up after the first one.

    2. How many downs in Canadian football? 3, ay?

    3. What is Mel Brooks’ real last name? Mel.

    4. How did William Henry Harrison die? In 30 days.

    5. Which sock puppet wanted you to buy his LEGLESS DOGS! Which one doesn’t?

  3. Andy Says:

    1. E

  4. Levon Says:

    5. Sifl and Olly!!

    No idea on the rest.

  5. A Day Late: Your Weekly Trivia « Hey, look. It’s Art. Says:

    […] not ask you trivia questions today, nor could I provide the answers for last week’s set. Look here for last week’s […]

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